Our Services

Landscape Architecture

Landscape Design

Identity believe that nature & people give life to places. We use a strong evidence based design approach, where creative ideas and clear communication create quality places which respond to the needs of our diverse communities.

Master Planning

Landscape-Led Frameworks

Identity develop and nurture masterplans which change perceptions and create opportunities. Our strategic plans form a framework for development that anticipates, plans for and brings about future change.

Urban Design

Place Making

Identity use place making skills to improve quality of life in our cities, towns and communities. We work collaboratively with stakeholders and different disciplines to shape the physical setting and composition of our urban environments. 

Why us?

Design Approach

Our design-led approach is informed by a clear understanding of what people need and respond to. We tease out opportunities and inspiration through interactive consultation, and maximise the sense of ownership and belonging this engenders.

International Experience

With over +10 years work experience within the landscape architectural profession we draw on high quality international design standards and practise within the Built Environment  industry.

Professional Service

Identity are professional, honest and truthful. We are open and transparent about our approaches; communicating how and why we do things. Consequently, we enjoy the benefits that mutual understanding brings.


We work across all sectors, with expertise in urban regeneration and high-profile public-realm projects. Together we have experience of a wide range of projects including large mixed-use residential developments, commercial office spaces, public and urban spaces, historic landscapes, healthcare, education, and ecologically sensitive sites.